Reasearch grant: Friederike Peiffer
Friederike Peiffer traveled to the capital of Panama in November 2015 with the AQUEIS research scholarship. There she presented her master thesis at the 68th International Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference. Friederike, in collaboration with the University of Bremen, the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology and the local non-governmental organization Roatan Marine Park (RMP) in Honduras, had been researching lionfish. These invasive fish have developed into a plague in the Caribbean in many places and must now be fought. The young researcher showed that a larger and more species-rich population of native fish can be found when the stock of lionfish has been reduced.
In Panama, Friederike has presented her data as a poster in order to discuss the results with the local scientists and stakeholders and to network even better in the area.
Under the following link her poster is stored as PDF:
Effects of lionfish removal on coral reef fish communities at Roatan, Honduras